Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Anthrax, "Safe Home"

16 Days to Find a Home

Anthrax has never been a great band for power ballads, even when they're working with Angelo Badalamenti. Not that anyone listens to thrash metal for balladry, but while Metallica has two classics ("Nothing Else Matters" and "Unforgiven"), Megadeth has one ("A Tout le Monde") and Slayer would sacrifice an entire Wacken crowd before composing one, Anthrax is not quite good enough at balladry to make it a career, yet too inventive to not try it at all.

The best they ever did by far was "Safe Home", the first single from their best album, the absurdly underrated We've Come for You All. It's got a radio-friendly chorus (some label exec who couldn't sit through "Only" probably insisted it be the first single) and manages to be touching without being sappy, making it one of Anthrax's finest walks on the mainstream metal line. And yes, that's Keanu Reeves in the music video.

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