Monday, August 5, 2013

Phil Anselmo and Peyton Arens, "Walk"

For a long time, I blamed Phil Anselmo for instigating Pantera's break-up. I winced at his comments in the press, and dismissed him as another incredible musician who was a lousy human being. But watching him respectfully take the high road when Rex Brown trashed him in his book, or consistently offering an olive branch to Vinnie Paul despite Paul's hostility, I've come around to Phil personally (or at least his public image) as well.

This week, Phil Anselmo recruited Peyton Arens, a cancer stricken teenaged-guitarist to play onstage with him through the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Peyton chose "Walk," and you can watch him nail it below.

My favorite YouTube comment is "They said the kid was sick? Damn straight he is!"

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